How to increase your child's reading speed. How to speed up your reading speed How to increase your reading technique

According to Google estimates, today there are more than 130 million books in the world. Not all of them really deserve attention, however, a human life is not enough to read only the masterpieces of world literature, not to mention scientific, educational and other printed materials. Those who want to read more learn speed reading. T&P have put together 5 exercises and programs that will help you learn to read books in a day.

Development of peripheral vision

One of the main tools for speed reading is peripheral, or lateral vision. It is carried out by the peripheral areas of the retina and allows, instead of several letters, to see and perceive a word or even a whole line.

The classic way to train peripheral vision is to work with the Schulte table. Such a table is a field divided into 25 squares: five horizontally and five vertically. Each square contains a number, from 1 to 25 in total, in random order. The student’s task is to sequentially find all the numbers in ascending or descending order, while looking exclusively at the central square.

The Schulte table can be printed on paper, but today there are dynamic online generators and downloadable computer and mobile trainings, including those with a built-in timer. Those who use extensive speed reading training programs are advised to “warm up” with the Schulte table before training. If desired, you can switch from black and white 5x5 tables to more complex versions: for example, with colored fields.

Suppression of subvocalization

Another of the cornerstone principles of learning speed reading is the rejection of subvocalization: pronouncing words in the head and micro-movements of the tongue and lips. A person is able to pronounce on average no more than 180 words per minute - and it is no coincidence that this is the maximum number for ordinary reading. However, as text comprehension speed increases, words become more difficult to pronounce, and subvocalization begins to interfere with the development of a new skill.

There are several simple exercises to suppress mental talking. For example, while reading, you can press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, hold the tip of a pencil between your teeth, or even simply put your finger to your lips, as if telling yourself: “Quiet.” There are also techniques in which the pronunciation of words is “confused” by chaotic tapping, the sound of a metronome, or music.

Refusal of regressions

Regressions in speed reading are called returns to already read parts of the text. They occur when the reader is distracted by extraneous thoughts, or if the speed of assimilation of information is too high for the brain to be able to perceive all the information.

In particular, the Best Reader training program helps to cope with regressions. It is based on dynamically highlighting parts of text on a page in black. It is difficult for human eyes to make orderly movements without observing anything, and this feature allows you to better focus your gaze on the desired fragments. When reading a regular book or document on the screen of an electronic device, you can also use a simple trick that we all know from our preschool days: drag your finger across the page. It also helps to get rid of regressions by understanding that further text often makes it possible to fill in all the short information gaps that arose during the reading process.

Concentration of attention

Reading quickly requires high concentration. To develop it and not read texts superficially, there are several exercises. For example, you can use a sheet on which the names of the colors will be printed in colored font, but in such a way as to confuse the reader. The word “yellow” will be written in red letters, the word “red” in blue, etc. To practice, you need to name the color of the ink, and not the word that is written on the sheet, and at first it is quite difficult to do this.

For another exercise, you only need a blank sheet of paper and a pen. You need to focus your attention on some subject and not be distracted from it by extraneous thoughts for two or three minutes. Every time extraneous thoughts arise, you need to make a note on the sheet. Over time, there should be fewer such marks, and then they will disappear altogether.

You can also train your concentration while reading: just count the words in the text. It is important to carry out calculations exclusively in your head, without helping yourself with your fingers, tapping your feet, etc. After two or three minutes you need to stop and check yourself by counting the words without reading them. At first, the first result will differ from the second, but with regular training, the differences between them will quickly become minimal.

Reading whole words

The Spritz app also aims to develop peripheral vision. For training, only one line is used here, on which words with a red highlighted letter in the middle appear at different speeds. In this way, you can learn to perceive words without reading them from beginning to end, but all at once. This allows you to save up to 80% of the time that would normally be spent on eye movements and increase your reading speed to 500–1000 words per minute.

On the official website of the application there is a demo version of Spritz, including in Russian. You can choose a speed from 250 to 600 words per minute and other languages: English, German, Spanish and French. In the future, the developers plan to create not only a version for websites and smartphones, but also an option for use within the interface of electronic glasses, smart watches and other compact devices, because the application requires only one line to work.

Hello, friends! What are you complaining about? Is your child's reading technique poor? Okay, we'll treat you. Keep the recipe. I am prescribing special exercises for you to develop your reading technique. Take regularly, several times a day. And the reading technique will firmly stand on its feet, and then leap forward.

Such magical exercises really exist. And if you try, you can find hundreds of different techniques, approaches, and methods on the Internet. To be honest, my eyes widen, and my brain begins to slowly boil. You don't know what to choose.

In order to protect my readers from such problems, I allowed myself to make the choice myself. The article included only the most interesting and tasty, in my opinion, exercises that will undoubtedly help raise reading technique to the level envisaged. I do not claim to be their author; they were developed by professionals: teachers, psychologists, professors.

But I claim to be the author of their names. They are too boring in the original version. Agree, “The Mystery of the Missing Sentence” sounds much more fun than “Visual Dictation by Professor I.T. Fedorenko." And it will certainly arouse greater interest among younger students.

Lesson plan:

List of exercises

And here he is! List of special reading exercises:

  1. "Half a watermelon"
  2. "Lost Letters"
  3. "Very sharp eye"
  4. "Sherlock"
  5. "Through the Looking Glass"
  6. "Mad Book"
  7. "The birds have arrived"
  8. "Partisan"
  9. “Oh, once! Again!"
  10. "The Mystery of the Missing Proposal"

Exercise 1. “Half a watermelon”

Ask your child if, after seeing half a watermelon, he can imagine what a whole watermelon looks like? Of course, the answer will be yes. Now suggest conducting the same experiment with words.

Take a book and an opaque ruler. Cover one line in the book with a ruler so that only the top of the words is visible. Task: read the text, seeing only the tops of the letters.

Move the ruler higher and show only the bottom of the words. Let's read. This, by the way, is already more difficult.

For very young schoolchildren, you can offer another version of the game. Make cards with simple words. And then cut these cards into two halves along the words. You need to connect the two halves correctly.

How is it useful? Aimed at developing anticipation. Anticipation is foreknowledge. This ability of the brain, which gives us the opportunity, when reading, not to read absolutely all the words and letters. The brain already knows that they are there, so why waste time on them? Anticipation can be developed; it makes reading fluent, conscious, and easy.

Exercise 2. “Lost letters”

Another exercise to develop anticipation.

Letters and words sometimes get lost. But even without some letters and words we can read. Shall we try?

Write on paper, print or write with a marker on a special board the phrases that you see below.


New... T-shirt.


Red... cat.

Here's another phrase:

Bobik ate all the cutlets

He doesn't share......

And here are some more:

Ok-ok-ok - we will build.......

Yuk-yuk-yuk - ours is broken......

Exercise 3. “Eye is a diamond”

Look at the picture and draw the same rectangle. Place numbers from 1 to 30 in the cells, in random order, but not one after another. The numbers should be randomly scattered across the cells.

The schoolboy looks carefully at the picture with the sign.

The counting is even, not too fast, but not too slow.

Child's task:

  • on the count of one, find and point to one with your finger;
  • on the count of two - deuce;
  • three - three, etc.

If a child hesitates with some number, then the score is not waiting for him, he needs to catch up, look for it faster. For kids, you can draw smaller signs, for example, 3X3 or 4X4.

What is the point of the exercise? It is aimed at increasing the viewing angle. In order to “catch” with your eyes when reading not one letter, not one word, but several words at once, or an entire line. The wider we look, the faster we will read.

One table can be used two or three times, then the arrangement of the numbers needs to be changed.

Exercise 4. “Sherlock”

Place the words on a piece of paper. Very different, not very long. In no particular order. Kind of scatter them across the paper. Name one of the words and ask the child to find it. Words could be, for example:

frame, jelly, spoon, chair, horse, gold, soap, pen, mouse, mouth, knee, dog, summer, lake, cancer

Each next word will be found faster than the previous one. Since, while trying to find one word, the student will read others along the way and remember where they are. And that's all we need.

Thanks to Sherlock, the viewing angle increases. And reading speed.

Exercise 5. “Through the Looking Glass”

We found ourselves in a world through the looking glass, and everything is the other way around. And they even read everything not from left to right, but from right to left. Shall we try?

So, we read the lines in the books from left to right. Let me clarify, there is no need to turn the words themselves around. There is no need to read “tomegeb” instead of “behemoth”.

With this method of reading, the meaning of the text is lost. Therefore, all attention is switched to the correct and clear pronunciation of words.

Exercise 6. “Mad Book”

Tell your child that sometimes some ill-mannered books behave rather strangely. They suddenly take it and turn upside down.

The child reads aloud. After a while you clap your hands. The child's task is to turn the book upside down and continue reading from where he left off. At first, you can make marks with a pencil so as not to get too lost in the text. And so on several times. Two, three full turns of the book.

If your student is still only in 1st grade, or maybe in 2nd grade, but reading is still very difficult, then you can read not a book with texts, but short simple words printed one after another on paper.

What will it give? Eye coordination and the ability to navigate through text will develop. A letter standard will be formed. And the processing of information by the brain will improve.

Exercise 7. “The birds have arrived”

Show your child the phrase “the birds have flown.” And ask to read it:

  • calmly;
  • joyfully;
  • loud;
  • quiet;
  • sad;
  • with irritation;
  • with fear;
  • mockingly;
  • with anger.

Exercise 8. “Partisan”

The student reads the text (or individual words, if he is still very young) aloud. You say: "Partisan". At this signal, the student takes a pencil into his mouth (presses it between his lips and teeth) and continues to read to himself. At the signal “The partisan has escaped,” we take out the pencil and read aloud again. And so on several times.

Why is this? To eliminate pronouncing words while reading silently. Pronunciation is the enemy of fast reading. So you need to remove it. And when a pencil is clamped in your teeth, you won’t be able to speak.

Exercise 9. “Oh, once! Again!"

For this exercise we will need a stopwatch and a text to read.

Read for 1 minute. We pay attention to reading speed, but you can forget about expressiveness for now. Ready? Go!

The minute is up. Stop! Let's make a mark where we left off.

Let's rest a little and read the same text again. Go! In a minute we make a notch. Wow! Already more.

What will happen the third time? And the third time will be even better!

What does this give us? Increase reading speed. And the child's motivation. He will see for himself that he is capable of more.

Exercise 10. “The Mystery of the Missing Sentence”

In order to solve the mystery, we will need cards with sentences (look at the picture). There are 6 cards in total. Each has one sentence. The font is large and easy to read.

Let's prepare a notebook and pen. Let's start the exercise:

  1. Show your child the first card.
  2. The student reads the sentence and tries to remember it.
  3. After 6 - 8 seconds, remove the card.
  4. The child writes the sentence in a notebook from memory.
  5. Show the child the second card, etc. until the sixth sentence.

What's the point here?

As I already said, this is not actually a game, but visual dictations developed by Professor I.T. Fedorenko. There are 18 such dictations in total. Each has six sentences.

In our example, I used the very first dictation. What is their feature? Please count the letters in the first sentence of the dictation. There are 8 of them.

In the second - 9,

in the third - 10,

in the fourth and fifth 11,

It's already 12 in the sixth.

That is, the number of letters in sentences gradually increases and eventually reaches 46 in the last sentence of dictation 18.

You can easily find the texts of Fedorenko’s dictations on the Internet. One dictation can be used twice, three times, if the child cannot do everything correctly. By the fourth time everything usually works out.

It is convenient to use Microsoft Power Point to complete this exercise. The one in which presentations are usually made.

By playing “The Mystery of the Missing Sentence” you develop your working memory. When such memory is poorly developed, a child, having read the sixth word in a sentence, will not be able to remember the first. Practice visual dictations every day and you won’t have such problems.

How to practice?

There is no need to try to do all the exercises at once. Only the game “The Mystery of Disappearing Sentences” requires your daily attention, and to it add a couple or three more exercises of your choice. Change them, alternate them so as not to get bored. Don't forget to evaluate your progress from time to time.

You need to exercise regularly, every day, a little. This is the main rule! You can find a detailed training plan.

Don’t be lazy, train, and you will be happy and get an A in your diary!

Friends, maybe you also know some interesting way to improve your reading technique? I hope you will share it in the comments. Thank you very much in advance!

And see you again on the blog pages!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Speed ​​reading is an important skill in today's fast-paced world. If you want to achieve outstanding results in your career or in the study of sciences, you will have to read a large amount of literature, both technical and fiction. In order to absorb large amounts of information, you need to be able to read quickly.

At the moment, there are a large number of techniques for studying speed reading, all of them have the right to exist. Some have serious scientific research behind them, while others, on the contrary, are more like intuitive research. This or that technique is suitable for each person; it is difficult to say which one will exactly suit you.

When a person is faced with an awareness of the problem of low reading speed, he begins to look for information on this topic on the Internet, books, and ask friends and acquaintances. After some time, if this idea is not boring, a certain understanding of speed reading techniques begins to develop and then it is important to start using them.

The simplest techniques that are guaranteed to help you increase your reading speed are not complicated at all. These are just a few exercises that need to be repeated for a while. This is very similar to learning touch typing on a keyboard. You need to do exercises for 15-20 minutes a day and in a couple of weeks you can reach a fairly high speed.

Most readers encounter a classic error that consumes 30% of their reading time. This is a return to a text that has already been read. When it seems to us that we did not grasp the thought well, or were distracted by an external thought, we go back and read the piece of text again.

Focus Training Technique

In order to cope with returning to the text you read, you need to keep your focus on the place of reading. To do this, you can use the reading tracking technique. You need to take a pencil and start moving it along the line while reading. The focus should always be on the pencil; you cannot return to the text you read. At first this is a difficult task to overcome, but over time it will get better and better.

Technique "Increasing speed"

To increase your reading speed, you need to train this skill like any other. To practice speed, you need to read very quickly. About 3 times faster than your desired reading speed. For example, you read at a speed of 200 words per minute, but you want to increase this value to 300 words per minute. Then in the speed exercise you need to read 900 words per minute. There is no need to worry about the fact that you don’t remember or understand anything - this is speed training. And it is important not to forget about the pencil, which prevents you from going back while reading.

Technique “Increasing peripheral vision”

In normal reading, which we were taught at school, a person reads all the words in a line. This allows you not to miss anything written in the text. But this is not always necessary to understand the meaning of the text. If you develop peripheral reading, then in one stop of focus on the text you can see not one word, but several.

There are many different techniques for training peripheral reading, the most common being Schulte tables. Returning to peripheral vision for reading, there is a simple exercise to increase your reading speed. You do not need to read all the words in a line, but skip a few words at the beginning and end of the line. This greatly increases speed, but does not greatly affect understanding.

With a high reading speed, you may encounter the effect of reading for the sake of reading, when you do not have time to assimilate information for its further application in life. To prevent this effect, it is necessary to take short pauses to comprehend the information. A few seconds after each paragraph are enough for its essence to be stored in long-term memory.

If you are reading scientific or business literature, it is better to jot down ideas or data from what you read. Then you can work with this information after reading the book without losing important data that can be applied to your field. Ideas can be presented as a list or text in various editors, or you can use mind maps, which allow you to make multi-level lists that are easy to understand.

The faster you read, the more time you have for other important goals and tasks. Considering the pace of modern life, the ability to quickly master certain materials is a very valuable ability. How to increase your average reading speed?

1. Stop subvocalizing

As you read this text, you probably hear a voice in your head repeating every word you read. And that's okay. Such mental recitation of a text is called subvocalization. Think back to your childhood and the methods by which you were taught to read. As you read, you slowly said each word you read out loud, as this is one of the most effective learning techniques. However, even when you stopped reading out loud, the habit didn't go away. It's just that now you pronounce the words mentally, and this process significantly slows down the pace of your reading. People with the fastest reading speeds do not focus on each individual word, but perceive the text as a whole.

Stopping subvocalization can be very difficult, especially when you've been practicing the habit for decades. Here is a useful tip that can help you. Instead of subvocalizing, try mentally counting from 1 to 10 as you read, or replacing that inner voice with a mental buzz. At the same time, continue to glide your eyes over the words in the text in front of you. Practice this exercise as often as possible, and if you notice that you are returning to subvocalization, start counting or buzzing again. If you keep putting in the effort, you can turn off the voice in your head and increase your reading speed several times over.

2. Preview complex texts

Finding ways to speed up your reading pace is a definite . Especially when it comes to complex technical or highly specialized materials, texts that are quite problematic to simply skim with your eyes. Instead of spending hours reading such materials, re-reading long sentences over and over again, spend some time previewing such complex texts. To understand their general meaning, as you turn the pages, note factors such as the length of the text, the main themes and concepts, the number of chapters, and how they are divided.

How is preview useful? Scanning material in this way is a very effective strategy for increasing your reading speed. By skimming the text, you will be able to identify sections and chapters that deserve close attention, as well as parts that can be given much less time.

3. Don't be afraid to skip words

When we learn to read, we are taught to pay attention to every word written on the page. However, ours has one. He is quite capable of filling any gaps. It is enough to select only a few of the most important words in each sentence to understand the overall meaning of the text. As a result, you don’t have to process literally every word, which saves a huge amount of time and has a positive effect on the pace of reading. However, be careful when using this method. It is great for easy texts, but understanding technical or academic materials with its help will be incredibly difficult.

4. Group words

Another effective strategy for developing reading speed. It consists in the perception not of individual words, but of their groups. This method is quite complicated and requires practice, so it’s better to start with easy texts. Clustering is the concentration of attention on 2-3 words of text at once. If you are able to comprehend several words at the same time, this has a tremendous effect on your reading speed.

5. Make a plan

Chances are, making an outline isn't where you usually start reading. You simply set a goal for yourself - to reach the last page of this or that material. However, if you're looking for maximum efficiency, a well-designed strategy can help you improve your reading speed. It was already mentioned in the paragraph about previewing that this approach will help you determine the parts of the text that you should focus on and which you can completely skip.

What exactly should a reading plan look like? This question is quite individual, but it’s worth starting by defining your goals. What knowledge do you want to have after reading the material? You can even write down a few questions that you want to know the answers to at the end of the reading. It is also worth considering the goals pursued by the author of the text. They may be much broader than yours. Therefore, if you concentrate only on parts of the material that are interesting and relevant to you, skipping the rest, you will save time reading other useful texts.

Last time we invited adult readers to go through. What if you want to improve your attention, reading speed, or reading comprehension (or all three) based on this test? We encourage you to understand the tools you have for speed reading and learn how to use them most effectively.

Mechanism of the reading process

You naturally have two tools that you need for reading, and one that is useful but not required. Tools Required - eyes and brain, because reading is essentially a visual process. Hands or other tools are not required, but when used correctly can be a huge help in increasing attentiveness and more active participation in reading.

But using your mouth when reading is usually harmful, as it slows down the process. With the exception of the genres listed above (poetry, dialogue, and Scripture), reading should engage the visual centers of the brain, which operate very quickly. Reading with pronunciation (subvocalization) uses auditory centers, which work much more slowly. By excluding the auditory parts of the brain from reading as much as possible, you will make the process easier and increase its efficiency. It takes conscious effort to break the habit of over-talking, but it's worth it.

How your eyes work

Eyes move while reading spasmodically. The specific number of jumps is four per second. From the outside you can see how the eyes move when reading. When describing this process, people most often use the comparison of a typewriter. If you can find someone willing, watch him read some text, and you will see that his eyes jump from word to word, from left to right, and then return to the left, like the carriage of a typewriter.

The only people you won't see this happening with are people who read over 500 wpm. Their eyes move much smoother and more evenly. This fact is worthy of attention, and here's why.

When reading, the muscles stop the eyes four times per second. Each such stop is called fixation. Information is perceived and enters the brain only during stops. In between, the eyes move so fast that nothing is perceived.

So, when you read, information comes to you through your eyes four times per second. This feature is inherent in nature, and you will not be able to influence the frequency of eye stops. But you can influence how many words you take in at each stop.

The width of the text that your eyes perceive each time you stop is called line of sight. Most people have a very narrow field of view when reading: one word per stop. Statistics confirm this: if you read word by word, you get four words per second and exactly 240 words/min. - average reading speed of a sixth grader! To increase it, you just need to expand your field of vision and perceive more words at each stop.

Expanding your field of vision is easy; you just need to train your eye muscles a little and practice for a while.

How to increase your reading speed? Improving eye movements!

Let's start with the muscles that are responsible for eye movement. Do the exercise.

Stand up straight and look forward. Without turning your head, look as far to the left as possible. Then go as far to the right as possible. Then, as quickly as possible, move your eyes left to right and back in the horizontal plane five times. Now sit down.

Are you feeling dizzy or have eye pain? This happens to most people and means they have weak, untrained eye muscles. To strengthen and train them, try doing the same exercise a couple of times a day.

Very soon (in most cases just a couple of days), as the eye muscles strengthen, the exercise becomes much less tiring.

How to learn to read quickly? Use your hands correctly!

Your second tool for improving your reading speed is your hands. As I mentioned, using them is not at all necessary, but for most people they are very helpful. There are two reasons for this.

  1. By using your hands (or a divider card), you become more actively involved in the reading—physically. The more actively you participate in the learning process, the more your body is involved, the better the results.
  2. Your brain is wired by nature to tell your eyes to notice movement. This phenomenon dates back to the days of hunter-gatherers, when movements indicated a creature that wanted to eat you or was a desirable dish for you. From this point of view, most reading materials have a disadvantage: they do not move. That's why it's so easy to get distracted. The TV, a bird flying by - almost anything that moves can attract your attention. By using your hands or a flashcard, you create movement on the page you are reading in a way that increases alertness and helps your eyes move more rhythmically and quickly.

Here are two speed reading techniques that will help you read more efficiently.

Pointer finger. This method uses the right or left index finger. The idea here is that when you read, you move your finger vertically down the page at a constant speed—slightly faster than the pace at which your eyes can move. You need to maintain a constant pace, without stopping and without returning your finger up. You can slide it down the left margin, down the right margin, or down the center of the text. Don't press too hard; Swipe down the page with ease and ease.

Try this method on any page of text you're currently reading to see which version you like best.

Divider card. You will need a cardstock card (about 13cm x 7.5cm in size) or a blank sheet of paper folded in half. Or even a business card, although it's a little small. The only criterion for selecting a card is that it should be easy to hold with one hand.

The main thing is to place the card correctly while reading. Take her and put her down above the line you are reading.

“Wait a minute! - you exclaim. “I can’t see what I just read!” That's it. This method immediately improves speed and alertness in over 90% of people, mainly because it eliminates the possibility we talked about last time, and your brain understands it. By cutting off your path to retreat, you let your subconscious understand: you need to be careful, since there is only one chance.

So as you read, simply move the card down the page at a steady, steady pace to keep your eyes moving forward. Ideally, the card should not stop, and, of course, it should not be moved up. Test the method on any page of the book for 1-2 minutes and adopt it.


Good advice. I'll have to use them at my leisure. Previously at school I was one of the best in reading speed and technique in my class. There are even a lot of grammars.

Comment on the article "Improving reading speed: 3 exercises for adults"

My son is in 4th grade. In Russian, a solid 2. There are consistently more than 10 errors in the dictation. You begin to ask verbally - how is such a word spelled and why? The answers are always correct and reasonable. During dictation, just guard. When self-testing, he doesn’t see his mistakes... Everything is fine with other subjects 4-5, except English. The handwriting is very bad, the letters jump. The first word in the sentence, name, is also written with a small letter every other time. What can be done about this?

about speed reading courses. Study, school. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children Conduct attention training. And the main goal of classes is not just to increase reading speed, but to increase the speed of MEANINGFUL reading.

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girls, tell me, has anyone come across courses for training memory, attention, speed reading and thinking? Do you think the result is possible? I think there are no miracles to take advantage of the promotion and this is a waste of time? *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings".

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There are concerns that reading speed will become a stumbling block in the admissions interview. As for the younger one, I purposefully improved my reading technique by increasing the amount of reading aloud.

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and again about reading speed. Today we had a reading test...we are in first grade at a private daughter read 67 words...there are children who read 103-115 words...and one champion read 135 words per minute!!! I came home impressed and showed myself...

Improving reading speed: 3 exercises for adults. I used to be one of the best at school in terms of reading speed and technique in How to increase reading speed?. School. Child from 7 to 10. In the gymnasium where my friend’s son studied, to practice reading techniques...

Is your reading technique normal? How to learn to read quickly. Real decline in academic performance. Courses "Innate Literacy" and "Speed ​​Reading". A desire arose out of necessity. He was pleased; he had to learn to isolate the main thing from a sea of ​​information and very quickly.

How to improve your reading speed? The child is 6 years old. We plan to enter a good school where there is competition, etc. require almost cursory reading. Improving reading speed: 3 exercises for adults. Currently, grades are not given until the second half of second grade...

About reading speed. School. Child from 7 to 10. Speed ​​reading, as it seems to me, is an obvious provocation of an adult who cannot read, who has decided to make a sport out of it. It's time to do a little exercise to evaluate your starting reading speed.

How to improve your reading speed? reading technique. Can you please tell me how many words a 9 year old child should read per minute? and what to count? prepositions, pronouns, etc. and what text to take? Improving reading speed: 3 exercises for adults.

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