These apps are draining your phone's battery right now. How to determine which app is consuming too much battery and what to do about it. Which apps are draining your battery on Android

Active use of phones leads to one problem - it begins to discharge quickly. A battery saving app for Android can come to the rescue. After all, the overwhelming number of mobile device manufacturers use this operating platform. All our readers will find it useful to review the most popular applications of this type.

Battery Saver (Download)

This free app has been downloaded by 5 million users and has an average rating of 4.3 stars.

According to the developers, the battery charge should last 2 to 4 times longer. Judging by the reviews, Battery Saver works. However, the maximum bar is clearly too high.
Battery Saver is very functional. The optimizer automatically disables programs that are currently not in use and shows how long the battery will last. There is a deep sleep mode. That is, when the phone is not used, wi-fi, synchronization, etc. are turned off. The application can independently determine which program consumes the most energy and disable it.

Among the minuses, it is worth noting a certain uncompromising nature and the lack of individual manual settings. All background programs will be closed, even if they are needed. In sleep mode, no application will be updated.

Photo: Battery Saver

HD Battery (Download)

The program has surpassed the 10 million installation mark. This battery saving app for Android is very simple, intuitive and convenient.

Photo: HD Battery

Using graphs, you can track not only charge consumption, but also device temperature and voltage. Not everyone needs these functions, but their presence is also welcome. The HD battery will tell you after what period of time the device will turn off if you listen to music, play games, use a navigator, etc. (for each specific case).

The upside is the customization. The application is free and available to everyone.

There are still some disadvantages. Problems with sound notifications and late data updates have been reported more than once. Taking all this into account, the application received a rating of 4.6.

Photo: Photo: HD Battery


As many as 400 million Android users have downloaded DU BATTERY SAVER. An average rating of 4.5 indicates that the application performs quite satisfactorily.


The developers managed to create an intelligent battery doctor. It monitors and optimizes the phone’s performance in every possible way. Monitors applications that consume the most battery and notifies you that some background programs can be closed. The phone is also not allowed to overheat and the program lets you know if the wrong charger is being used.

All settings are set individually, the application can be downloaded for free.

Speaking about the pros, it is worth touching on the cons. Due to its super-functionality, malfunctions periodically occur. However, developers respond to complaints and release updated versions of their product.


DU Battery Saver (Download)

Another battery saving application for Android from the same developers as in the previous case. This time it’s paid – it costs $1. But its capabilities are an order of magnitude higher than those of its free brother.

Buyers get a smart and fully adjustable app. It is possible to configure battery saving modes, depending on the time of day or circumstances. Scanning and optimization allows you to improve the performance of the device and extend its operation for as long as possible. Memory is regularly cleared of unused programs. If you still need it, do not forget to add it to the ignore list. The quality of the charger's operation is monitored and the remaining time until charging is complete is shown. The application supports many languages, including Russian.

True, some users note that this program is still similar to its free version. Sometimes technical problems occur, which developers try to quickly fix. After all, the application is still paid.

Photo: DU battery saving

Photo: DU battery saving

Battery care (Download)

This application has achieved more than 300 million downloads and a rating of 4.5 stars.

The free program allows you to monitor battery power consumption and set individual modes. Convenient and clear design shows the amount of charge required for each application on the phone. The most energy-consuming ones are also notified. You can see the device's charging speed and its discharging speed. A detailed scan will identify any weak points in your work. About 30 languages ​​are supported.

In any barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. “Battery care” was no exception. When the screen goes dark, all open programs are automatically closed. The battery, of course, is saved, but this is not suitable for everyone.

Avast battery saver (Download)

Avast also pleased us with a free battery saving application for Android.

The main principles of its operation are the optimization of all settings and the closing of background unused applications.

The developers have improved and significantly simplified the operation of the program. With just one click you can close all unnecessary applications that slow down your phone and consume a lot of battery power.

There are 5 main modes installed and it is possible to add your own. The application sends advisory notifications about mode changes. “Battery Saver” analyzes all processes quite accurately and can extend the life of the phone. You can monitor the discharge rate and the time until the device turns off completely.
Again, the app may not appeal to those who don't want to close background windows. However, as practice shows, this actually saves battery charge.

Photo: Avast battery saving

Battery Saver Wizard (Download)

Last on the list, but far from the last in the ranking, will be “Battery Saver”. The application has already been downloaded by more than 100 thousand Android users.

The program is very simple, convenient and quite effective. Conserving battery power is done by closing unused applications and generally optimizing the smartphone. Energy saving modes are set automatically. There is no possibility of adjusting them. But there is a noticeable plus - you can add to the white list those programs that cannot be closed.

Photo: Battery Saver Wizard

The application was highly praised due to its simplicity, unpretentiousness and good performance. During sleep mode, it may not stop working wi-fi, bluetooth and data synchronization. Most reviews about it are positive. However, on some devices the program may not work entirely correctly.

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The new phone you just bought is draining too quickly? Or has the percentage of charge suddenly begun to melt right before our eyes? With our guide, you can easily identify the gluttonous culprit. The latest list of applications that drain the battery on Android was compiled by research institutions AVG and Avast for the start of 2018.

In the Google Play Market there are a huge number of Android applications that are hungry for battery power.

  • There are no restrictions on this parameter in the store and there is no moderation.
  • Developers do their own optimization as best they can.
  • Because of such games, programs and services, the phone is loaded and discharges very quickly.

Which apps drain your battery?

By the beginning of 2018, technology experts prepared a list of the TOP 10 most powerful energy consumers on mobile devices for two categories. The first refers to programs that you launch by clicking on an icon. The second is services that automatically start in the background. They work even after rebooting the phone.

If you have at least one of the applications with increased battery consumption, then by limiting notifications and Internet requests, or completely remove them from the system. The latter option is usually accompanied by installing an alternative version of the program or accessing the service through a web page.

TOP 10 applications that drain the battery after launch

To record how they reduce the percentage of the phone's charge, a manual trigger is required.

TOP 10 applications that drain your battery in the background

These programs begin to operate simultaneously with turning on the device, continuing to work in the background after a reboot and manual stop in the settings.

Is it possible to find out which application is draining the battery?

There is a standard “Settings -> Battery” tool to show the history of changes in battery charge level. It helps determine which applications and components needed energy the most. Try disabling them or deleting them.

There are utilities in the Google Play Market that automatically detect gluttonous services. These are third-party developments with extended functionality. Additional features require Root rights.

Third-party utilities to identify high battery drain apps

AVG Cleaner

A free tool that can not only increase the battery life of your smartphone, but also clean it of debris. It is not recommended to keep it on your device all the time - remove it after use to free up resources.

Battery Doctor

You can download another free optimizer to accurately determine which of the installed applications on your Android phone are draining the battery. Requires constant presence on the device.

Power Pro

An advanced informant on the battery status of a smartphone. Monitors charge-discharge cycles. Provides recommendations and various scenarios for using the device. A useful tool, but it itself creates a load on the hardware.

Almost all users of mobile gadgets face the problem of the battery draining too quickly. The problem occurs gradually and goes unnoticed for some time, but one day the owner notices that the battery life of the smartphone or tablet has been reduced by almost half. If you do nothing, it will decrease further - until it becomes impossible to use the device. And one day the device won’t turn on at all.

Let's talk about why the battery on Android devices drains quickly and how to extend its life.

Reasons for rapid battery discharge

  • The actual battery capacity of a smartphone or tablet is lower than indicated in the specifications.
  • Battery capacity has decreased due to normal wear and tear.
  • Ambient temperature is below +5 ⁰C or above +30 ⁰C.
  • The screen brightness level is too high.
  • Resource-intensive features included: GPS, NFC, Bluetooth, etc.
  • Long distance to the mobile operator's base station.
  • Apps and widgets running in the background consume energy.
  • Frequent switching on and off of the device.
  • Infection with mobile viruses.
  • A malfunction of the operating system or hardware, as a result of which certain resource-intensive functions or the device itself are not turned off.

Battery capacity is lower than in the passport

The discrepancy between the actual battery capacity and the indicator indicated in the passport of a smartphone or tablet is more common than you think. It’s just that very few users decide to double-check it. Most believe documents, as well as program indicators, which also do not always display reliable data.

The reason for the discrepancy between actual information and nominal information does not always lie in deception on the part of the manufacturer or seller (although this also occurs); lithium power supplies simply lose their capacity during long-term storage. If you bought a device that was released a year ago, even if stored correctly, its battery capacity has become 2-6% less capacious, and if stored incorrectly (i.e., when charged to 100%) - by as much as 15-30%.

To calculate the actual capacity of the battery, use charger-discharge devices, like iMAX, or homemade dischargers complete with a multimeter or USB tester. The exact indicators are determined during the discharge of a fully charged battery.

If your phone's battery capacity is less than stated, it means it will drain in a shorter time than expected. And, alas, it is impossible to influence this.

Capacity has decreased over time

Battery wear becomes noticeable after 1.5-2 years of using a smartphone or tablet. But it may happen earlier if:

  • use the device often and for a long time at low and very high air temperatures (the most favorable temperature for operating lithium batteries is room temperature);
  • allow discharge close to 0%.
  • charge the device near heat sources;
  • store an unused battery at 100% charge at high ambient temperatures (for storage, the optimal charge level is 40-50% and refrigerator temperature);
  • charge the battery with a higher voltage and current than the manufacturer provided (the required level of current and voltage is indicated on the charger that was sold with the gadget).

Frequent short-term recharging, contrary to popular belief, does not harm the battery. The current with which it is charged has a much greater influence. It is preferable to charge lithium batteries with low currents, although this takes longer.

If the battery capacity of your device has decreased due to wear and tear, the only solution is to replace the battery with a new one.

Using the gadget in cold or hot weather

When using a mobile device in unfavorable temperature conditions (up to +5 ⁰C and above +30 ⁰C), the battery discharges noticeably faster, but at temperatures close to room temperature, its capacity is immediately restored to its original level.

If you don't do this too often, the battery won't wear out quickly, but for calls in the cold it's still better to use a headset and keep the phone in a warm pocket.

High screen brightness level

The screen of an Android mobile device is the main consumer of energy. The brighter it is illuminated, the faster the battery drains.

The use of adaptive backlight, which changes depending on the ambient light (available only on devices equipped with a light sensor), helps reduce battery consumption. To enable it, select the “Auto” checkbox in the screen brightness settings. To prevent the screen from remaining on when you are not using the gadget, set it to go into sleep mode after 30-60 seconds of inactivity.

Resource-intensive features

After the screen, the next active consumers of energy are:

  • geolocation;
  • live (animated) wallpaper;
  • NFC and Bluetooth;
  • mobile Internet (3G, 4G).
  • Wi-Fi.

If they are all on at the same time, even the most capacious battery will drain very quickly, so whenever possible, turn off what you are not using.

Unstable cellular connection

You may have noticed that when you spend a long time in places where the phone has poor reception of the operator's base station signal, for example, outside the city, the battery discharges faster than usual. This happens because more energy is spent maintaining an unstable, intermittent connection.

The battery will drain faster even if the problem occurs with only one of the two SIM cards. To save charge, it is better to disable such a SIM card for a while.

Apps and widgets running in the background

Many Android applications and widgets, after installation, register themselves in autorun and work in the background the entire time the device is turned on. When there are a lot of such applications, the device not only discharges very quickly, but also noticeably slows down, so startup should be kept under control and allowed only to those programs that need it (antivirus, optimization tool, utility utilities, instant messengers, etc.).

Unfortunately, there is no function for controlling the autorun of user and system applications in Android. But it becomes available after obtaining root (superuser) rights and installing special utilities on the device, such as:

  • BootManager and some others

There are utilities that allow you to manage startup without root rights, but they do not work on every gadget and do not always work correctly.

Applications that the user himself launched, but after they were no longer needed, he forgot to close, can also consume battery resources. The accumulation of such programs not only loads, but also heats up the processor, which in turn heats up the battery. And when heated, as we know, the phone battery drains very quickly.

Control over processes that actively consume energy is also best entrusted to special utilities. For example, the following:

  • Power Battery, etc.

By the way, the capabilities of most of them include cleaning the system from unnecessary files, cooling the processor, optimizing charging and a number of other tasks. To keep your device in order, it is advisable to use one of these utilities constantly.

Frequent reboots and turning the device on and off

Wanting to save charge, some users regularly turn off their mobile gadget. Sometimes even several times during the day. This is another reason why the battery drains too quickly, since when the device starts up and the operating system loads, the energy consumption is close to the maximum.

While you are not using your Android smartphone or tablet, you should not turn it off completely - just turn off the screen, complete resource-intensive tasks, disable communication functions (Wi-Fi, GPRS, 3G-4G Internet, GPS, NFC and Bluetooth), background data transfer, sensors and vibration motor. To do this, most mobile gadgets have an energy saving mode, the activation button for which can be located in different sections of the settings (parameters) menu.

Mobile virus infection

Malware that attacks Android devices does not always operate openly. They often carry out activities that are invisible to the user, and the only signs of their presence are empty accounts and very rapid battery drain, including in standby mode.

Hidden virus infection should be excluded in case of any non-standard behavior of the gadget, for example:

  • The phone or tablet wakes up from standby mode without any active action on your part.
  • The device is in sleep mode and becomes warm.
  • Wi-Fi, geolocation, mobile Internet and other modules are enabled on the device without your participation. Or they cannot be turned off.
  • Unknown numbers appeared in the list of outgoing calls and SMS, and views of sites that you have not visited appeared in your browser history.
  • An application has assigned itself as a device administrator without your knowledge.
  • For unknown reasons, Google Play antivirus and other security applications stopped running.
  • Any system functions have stopped working.
  • The volume of network traffic on the device has increased for no reason.

Read about how to find and remove a mobile virus on our website. The instructions are relevant for Android phones and tablets of various brands: Samsung, LG, Xiaomi, Philips, Lenovo and others.

System or hardware failure

Some users of PCs and laptops have encountered such a problem as incomplete shutdown of the computer, when the screen goes blank when the operating system is shut down, but some devices remain active - the cooler continues to rotate, indicators light up, etc. The exact same problem occurs on mobile devices, it’s just not so easy to notice, because smartphones and tablets do not have a cooler, and the indicator only shows the charging stage. In the event of such malfunctions, the device essentially remains on constantly and, accordingly, even in a “sort of turned off” state actively consumes battery energy.

The causes of such problems may be faulty applications, viruses, operating system errors and malfunctions in the device’s hardware (including connected devices - memory cards, SIM cards, etc.).

The only symptom that allows one to suspect that the device has not been completely turned off is too much battery consumption at a time when it should be minimal. And to make sure whether this is really your case, just remove the cover of the phone (tablet) and check the processor temperature with your fingers. If the device continues to work after being turned off, its processor will remain warm. Sometimes in this condition the body of the device heats up slightly, but sometimes not - it depends on its design.

In such cases, what can the user do without contacting the specialists:

  • Remove applications installed before the problem appeared (if you were able to record the time it started).
  • Conduct an anti-virus scan.
  • Disconnect all connected devices.
  • Reset the system to factory settings.
  • Remove the battery (if it is removable), hold down the power button for 20-30 seconds and replace the battery.
  • Reflash the device with known working firmware.

After each manipulation, check the gadget by turning it off. If the problem is not solved, you will have to take it to a service center for repairs, since the problem itself will not go away, and the battery will exhaust its life much faster than during normal operation.

The first among the “embezzlers” are social networking and chat applications. Noted on the list are online shopping applications and, of course, entertainment with powerful data streaming. Dating apps also joined the company of the most gluttonous apps, whose users became more active in the third quarter. Many applications for Samsung smartphones do not suffer from a lack of appetite.

Many of these apps are very popular, and you probably won't want to get rid of them all. But if you plan to clean your phone so that the battery lasts better and everything works faster, it will be useful. Some of the names on the list may well remind you of weighty applications that are not needed now, but for some reason still take up space on your phone. For those that are needed only periodically, you can at least prohibit autostart with the system and simply open them manually when necessary.

Notice how many titles are repeated in several sections at the same time. Getting rid of one such application, or at least limiting the time it runs, can greatly affect the condition of your smartphone.

Applications that reduce performance (run along with the system): Facebook social network client, Google Play services, BBM messenger, Instagram, Facebook messenger called Messenger, ChatOn voice and video chat, Facebook page manager, The Weather Channel meteorological application, KakaoTalk messenger, WhatsApp messenger.

Applications that slow down performance (user run): Snapchat photo chat, Amazon Shopping UK app, Spotify Music streaming, LINE messenger, CleanMaster, Samsung WatchON, Netflix and BBC News streaming, Amazon Shopping Global app, Microsoft Outlook email app.

Applications that drain the battery (run with the system): Android update, working with Beaming Service barcodes for Samsung, SecurityPolicyUpdater, ChatOn voice and video chat, Google Play services, Facebook social network client, BBM messenger, WhatsApp messenger, Android weather and time widget Weather & Clock, WeChat messenger.

Battery draining apps (user run): Samsung WatchON, Snapchat photo chat, Amazon Shopping UK, Microsoft Outlook email, BBC News and Netflix streaming, LINE messenger, CleanMaster, Walmart and Amazon Shopping Global apps.

Applications that take up a lot of memory space (run along with the system): Facebook social network client, Amazon Kindle reader, Sp-Mode Mail, Facebook page manager, Google Play services, Skype, Instagram, Tango messenger, Google Play services, WeChat messenger.

Applications that take up a lot of memory space (user launched): Spotify Music streaming, Chrome browser, Ailis Filters & Stickers photo editor, LINE messenger, Amazon Shopping UK app, TripAdvisor hotel review and search, Amazon Shopping Global app, Snapchat photo chat, Clean Master, photo editor Photo Editor by Aviary.

Applications that consume traffic (run along with the system): Facebook social network client, Japanese Yahoo! Japan, Avast antivirus, The Weather Channel weather application, Instagram, iHeartRadio radio, Google Play services, APUs launcher, Groupon coupon service, WeatherBug weather application.

Applications that consume traffic (user launched): Netflix streaming, Snapchat photo chat, Tumblr blogs, BBC News, CleanMaster, Samsung WatchON, Spotify Music streaming, Aviary Photo Editor, Microsoft Outlook email app, Tinder dating app.

Google annually adds many settings and functions to the Android operating system, many of which are hidden from the eyes of ordinary users. This was done on purpose, but with good intentions. The American corporation believes that if an inexperienced owner of an inexpensive Android smartphone accidentally activates certain important settings, then his device may start to work slower or discharge much faster, so right out of the box all smartphones based on Google's OS have only Basic activated functionality, but it is very easy to fix.

Although every year all smartphones work longer on a single battery charge, largely due to better software optimization for hardware, a hidden setting in all Android smartphones significantly increases battery life, and can now be activated absolutely anyone, since it is definitely available in any custom firmware and in all models of mobile devices.

All smartphones based on the Android operating system have an incredibly large reserve of power, which is simply excessive for solving simple everyday screens. It's like driving a car, sometimes pressing the gas to the floor, and then slowing down again. In the case of smartphones, it’s not the gasoline that drains faster, but the battery charge. In order to increase the battery life of your mobile device, you need to launch “Settings”, and then go to the “Battery” section.

In the “Battery” section, three vertically located dots should be visible in the upper right corner, which you need to click on. In the menu that appears, you will need to select “Power Saving Mode” and then activate it. As a result, processor performance will be reduced, which will allow up to 50% increase in battery life on a single battery charge. This feature is available in all smartphones and tablets running Android 5.0 Lollipop and higher.

To achieve an even greater effect, the editors of the site recommend installing the “Doze-energy-saving” application, which significantly increases the battery life of all Android smartphones, since a lot of charging is “eaten up” by processes running in the background, which the user does not even see. After installing it, you need to select from the list only those programs and services that should continue to function normally.

It is worth choosing the most basic instant messengers, email clients and other basic programs that should receive notifications in real time, and not with a delay. This program works in such a way that all processes that are running in the background and consuming battery power are automatically frozen. This does not cause any harm to them or the data stored in them, and using this application can significantly increase battery life by up to 40% of the standard. This is especially noticeable at night, when without this program the smartphone’s battery will be discharged by 10-12%, and with it only by 5-6%.

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