Cheat world of tanks 0.9.20. List of prohibited mods. What is the price to pay for using prohibited mods?

The first official WOT bot for

The bot program is designed for automatic farming of experience and money in the WOT game. This program is the official one from the WOT series. It was purchased from the German official forum of the World of Tanks game. It was completely translated into Russian by our specialists and tailored for the Russian client.

Using this bot is very simple. To launch the program, load the game client in windowed mode. In the bot program settings, mark this window as based, so that the bot knows which tanks to launch for autofarming. In the bot, set the settings “automatic repair” and “automatic replenishment”. Once all the settings are set, start the game and the bot will start playing with the first tanks from the account, auto farming experience and money.


If you think that this is a scam, why then did the wargaming administration add a BOT complaint to the gameplay? Your opinion is already used by thousands of players, now it’s your turn.

In this article we will look at assembling mods for World of Tanks. What is it? Are there any prohibited mods for World of Tanks? These are all changes or additions to the game that make it more convenient and simpler. True, you can’t say that everyone uses them, but most of the project has played with modifications at least once. Mods can be anything from voice acting, penetration skins, etc., to prohibited mods (cheats).

Banned mods for World of Tanks are those that are not approved by the developers; they give a significant advantage in battle to those who use them.

Basic prohibited World of Tanks mods

  1. Remove leaves from trees and bushes, that is, in fact, you have a bare field on which you can see everything perfectly, and the enemy has no chance to hide behind natural shelters.
  2. Reloading the enemy's gun, previously it was not illegal, but it simplified the game too much, and now this mod has been banned, because knowing how long it will take for your enemy to respond to you, the interest of the game is lost.
  3. A free camera is, of course, good to look at, but you can also see where the enemy is, which is already illegal in the game.
  4. Auto-aim with anticipation, that is, when an enemy appears, we automatically focus on him and penetrate him, again the meaning of the games is lost, because roughly speaking, you just need to sit and click with the left mouse button in order to simply cause damage. A laser sight is a beam that extends from the enemy’s gun and shows where he is aiming at us, which gives us the advantage of exposing him to an impenetrable zone of the tank.

You can get banned for using them, so before downloading cheating mods, it’s better to think about whether it’s worth losing your account in order to increase your rating and efficiency using prohibited techniques.

Allowed World of Tanks mods

Now let's move on to the allowed mods, which will greatly help beginners, and even make the game a little easier for experienced players.

Skins with tank penetrations

One of the main ones is. There are a lot of tanks in the game, and skins can help you know where to penetrate this or that tank. They will show where the weak points are and where to aim better. The skins also show where the fuel tank or ammunition rack is, which can help destroy the enemy much faster.

Tank damage panel

This is a good mod that shows damage to modules and crew, and can simply change the boring interface to a more interesting one.

Sixth Sense Light Bulb

In fact, this is not a mod, because... This is a perk that is pumped out to the commander, here you can simply choose any other picture that will pop up when we get caught in the light, you can also change the standard voice acting of the light.

Damage indicators

There are already indicators in the game, but they are quite simple. There is also a more detailed report, you can see who dealt you and how much damage, just as you can see a table that shows who and how much damage you hit. It also shows which side the shot was fired from.


This includes many modifications that change the map, because for experienced players it is an integral part, without which it is difficult to win. You can set the signature of enemy tanks so that you know who is where and where, you can also see the last place where living enemies were spotted. The viewing radius, indications of where enemy tanks are looking, all this makes the game a little easier.


This mod shows the skills of your allies and enemies. Although, again, player statistics do not always affect the outcome of the battle. After all, a person’s general statistics may not be very good, but he has excellent command of a tank, and now it’s a deception. Although statistics mods for a gaming session are a good thing. You can see what the percentage is for a certain time, what the “VN” is and the effectiveness of our game.


There are many little nuances here that make our game easier. For example: the development tree can be changed from horizontal to vertical or compact, as you wish. Modifications that change the hangar. Tank carousel two or three rows upon choice. Efficiency and win percentage of each tank. The total HP of the teams, in order to know how much we are behind or, conversely, how much we are overtaking the enemy. Choice of different types of sights, as you like, etc.

Voice acting

This mod is not one that simplifies the game. It is installed if you are tired of the standard phrases of the crew, you can choose any voice acting you like, be it a child’s voice or a professional voice acting studio. You can also use voice acting by nation, if of course we know these languages. And of course, you can change the voice acting of the environment to create variety.


Just like the voice acting does not have a special impact on the gameplay. A simple change in the background on which our tanks stand. They can also be changed by the developers themselves during any events.

Small mods for World of Tanks


Maximum approach to aim more accurately, or vice versa, good distance to look around and think about what to do next.


Automatic short messages in the game chat, no swearing, or simply turning it off so as not to distract.


This is an important part of the game, because there are none in the game itself, and you can simply get lost in the gameplay for a long period of time. And this way we can keep track of how much time we spent in the game.

Tank icons

The standard assembly is just outlines of tanks without signatures. And here you can sign which tanks you have on your team and which ones you will have to fight against, its image, the level and flag of the nation, and everything like that.

True, not everyone will be able to play normally with mods, because not all players have powerful computers, and mods slightly slow down the gameplay and drain FPS. So if it starts to lag, then it’s better to play without them.

Every day the army of World of tanks fans is growing at a speed that Usain Bolt would envy. Surely, at this very moment, another skeptic installs the game client on his personal computer, just to try and delete it. But you and I know that this is unlikely to happen. Moreover, the installation of a gaming application, sooner or later, as a rule, is followed by the installation of an assembly with modifications. Therefore our site offers download cheat mods for World of Tanks 1.1.0 for free and, having tasted their long aftertaste, admit that you, too, have joined the countless ranks of sofa-tank troops. The standard version of the game, no matter how cool it is, will not be able to give you the whole palette of colorful sensations that the average gamer, who is now throwing open the gates of his hangar somewhere in Kursk, manages to experience. And the only difference is that he has already installed a list of the latest modpacks, and you haven’t even found the “download” button, which is located somewhere on this page. So, if we talk about modpacks, they should be divided into those that Wargaming approves and those that are released in the underground of desperate resistance. The first ones can always be downloaded officially through the World of tanks online resource. The second group, which was nicknamed “forbidden mods” so that no one would guess, can only be bought from guys in long raincoats behind garages. Not really. They are also freely available, including on our portal. But you can install them until the developers get wind of the foul play and add it to the sanctions list. Old-timers remember the situation with the laser pointer, which until some time could significantly improve the aiming qualities of any player, even with minus three diopters. After its ban, you can only play with a laser pointer if your cat is in the mood. However, don’t be upset, modders systematically release new cheats that can safely be classified as “the most prohibited.” They, in turn, are conventionally divided into tactical and operational. Using the assembly of the former, you can get useful information about the actions of an entire team or that group of tanks that somehow went into the breakthrough too quickly. Operatives are a great help in battle. With their help, unique capabilities open up such as automatic aiming, the emergence of areas of vulnerability of an enemy combat unit, and the ability to make objects transparent, as if you were Bruce Almighty. On our website you can download free banned mods for World of Tanks 1.1.0 and for a while feel like a hero of the battle of Prokhorovka. By the way, about time. Many gamers are identified by moderators precisely because of the round-the-clock use of cheat mods. This may result in restrictions being imposed on the account, up to and including blocking it completely. However, if you approach the issue wisely and play in this mode for no more than a few hours a day, then identifying the offender is practically impossible due to the huge number of visitors to the game server. Also, we would not recommend that anyone post on social networks with the hashtag #Iplaytankswithcheatcodes. Well, the rest is a la ger com a la ger.

Today there are quite a few cheating mods for World of Tanks that can make gameplay easier. This build contains several prohibited modifications that make the game much more comfortable. The collection contains some of the most popular ones that are in great demand.

Users, in particular, are offered the “Tundra” mod, which can remove tree crowns and foliage. As a result, it will be much easier to target enemy vulnerable spots in the forest. The assembly also contains a modification that displays destroyed objects and fallen trees on the minimap. This will allow you to find out the locations of enemies.

Prohibited mods download

In addition, the collection contains a laser pointer, thanks to which you can find out exactly where your opponent is aiming. There is also a cheat “Red Balls”, which marks with bright dots the places from which enemy artillery shots were fired.

With the help of the listed prohibited mods for World of Tanks, playing will become much easier. But before installing them, you should keep in mind that they can get you banned. The authors of this cheat build advise not to post screenshots and videos from the game publicly.

Current information about those modifications for World of Tanks, the use of which leads to account blocking.

Continuing the topic about prohibited mods for World of Tanks. Let's start with a review of prohibited mods.

List of prohibited mods

This list presents the functionality of modifications, the use of which in one form or another is considered unacceptable by the World of Tanks administration:

  1. Any mods that affect game objects and change tanks and their performance characteristics are prohibited;
  2. Copies of illuminated enemy tanks created by mods are also prohibited for use;
  3. Any mods for transparent trees, buildings and other objects are prohibited in World of Tanks;
  4. In World of Tanks, mods that automate the use of a conventional fire extinguisher, first aid kit and other equipment in battle in a given game situation have become prohibited;
  5. Mods for sights that allow the enemy to aim the crosshair at vulnerable spots of the enemy tank are prohibited in the game. Modifications for sights that calculate the shot in advance and accompany the equipment behind obstacles are prohibited;
  6. WOT banned mods whose functionality allows you to monitor the start of reloading of an enemy tank, including by counting the time;
  7. Mods with laser sights on enemies remain prohibited. Modifications for World of Tanks that make it easier to evade enemy shells were also banned;
  8. The list of prohibited mods includes mods that identify the position of enemy tanks on the battlefield. For example, using: forced indication of illuminated tanks, calculation of artillery positions based on fired shells and left behind or tracers, mapping of destroyed objects on the minimap;
  9. World of Tanks mods used to calculate enemy armor in battle are prohibited. These modifications analyze a large amount of information and transmit the results to the player's screen. In particular, it is planned to prohibit mods that indicate the vulnerabilities of opponents in real time. The exception was mods that work in the hangar (outside of combat).
  10. Now any mods that automatically calculate the speed of a projectile and the time to hit a target are prohibited - anticipatory mods.

Ban for using prohibited mods for World of Tanks

We'll tell you more about punishment, players' confidence in impunity, and tracking prohibited mods.

Punishment for prohibited mods

The punishment for installing and using prohibited mods is severe. After the first warning, the player's account is blocked forever without the possibility of recovery. Please note that if you received ban for a week for prohibited mods, you will not have another chance to receive a warning and you will only have to remove the mods that led to the temporary blocking in order to avoid a permanent ban in World of Tanks. If you do not know which mod caused your account to be disabled, you should remove all existing modifications before entering the game, much less going into battle. This will eliminate the possibility of once again (for the last time) tarnishing the reputation of your account in World of Tanks.

Maybe it will happen and my account won’t be blocked

Let's dwell a little on tracking the use of prohibited mods. The vast majority of players using fashion included in list of prohibited(above), we are sure that World of Tanks does not know about their violation of the rules of the game. The situation is aggravated by the fact that some users who installed prohibited mods have been using them for a long time, and this fact has not yet led to blocking. This confidence is unfounded, since punishment can occur at any time. It’s a pity for that part of the players who use mods that have become banned quite recently and do not know about it. A simple rule applies to them: “ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility.”

How does World of Tanks track the presence of prohibited mods?

First of all, special robots on World of Tanks servers “see” the player’s use of mods from the list of prohibited ones. They analyze the game situation and add to the table the actions of players that they performed using prohibited mods. These same robots monitor files of the game client installed on the player that have been modified by mods. If the parameters of the changed objects match the prohibited parameters, the player is blacklisted. Next, information about all cases of the use of prohibited modifications in WOT collected by robots is sent to Wargaming employees, who check the facts found and decide whether to ban the player or issue a warning to him. A permanent ban can only be obtained after checking the use of prohibited mods and the presence of repeated violations. Particular attention is paid to complaints from bona fide players about suspicion of using prohibited mods in battle. In such cases, replays are reviewed and the facts of the use of modified World of Tanks parameters that provide significant advantages to the player against whom the complaint is made are checked.

Publications on the topic