What command to remove a player from rg. We remove a player from a region in Minecraft with a special command. Removing a player from a region


(Note #1: Teleportation from the Nether (Hell) and the End is possible.)

  • /sethome- assign a home point (a place where you can teleport and where you will respawn after death).
  • /home- teleport to your home point. The limit on teleportation is 1 time every 60 seconds.
  • /spawn- teleportation to spawn.

Game currency.

  • /econ- find out your balance of game coins on the server.

Private territory, protection from griefers.

  • /region claim- privatize the allocated area. The name of your 1st private is your nickname (Arkham), the 2nd is your nickname and “home” at the end (Arkhamhome).
  • /region flag<название_региона> <флаг>[meaning]- set the value of a flag (deny/allow/none or other) to a specific region. If you do not specify a flag value, it will become standard.
  • /region remove<название_региона>
    /region rem<название_региона>
    /region delete<название_региона>
    /region del<название_региона> - delete a region (only if you are its owner).
  • /region info<название_региона> - view information about the region (only if you are its owner or participant).
  • /region addmember<название_региона> <ник_игрока> - add a member to the region (only if you are its owner).
  • /region removemember<название_региона> <ник_игрока>
    /region remember<название_региона> <ник_игрока> - remove a member from the region (only if you are its owner).
Flags for regions.

(Note #1: in all commands/regioncan be replaced by/rg}

  • /region flag<название_региона>pvp deny- prohibit PvP.
  • /region flag<название_региона>pvp allow- allow PvP.
  • /region flag<название_региона>creeper-explosion deny- prohibit creeper explosions.
  • /region flag<название_региона>creeper-explosion allow- allow creeper explosions.
  • /region flag<название_региона>tnt deny- prohibit the installation and explosion of dynamite.
  • /region flag<название_региона>tnt allow- allow the installation and explosion of dynamite.
  • /region flag<название_региона>chest-access deny- prohibit access to chests.
  • /region flag<название_региона>chest-access allow- allow access to chests.
  • /region flag<название_региона>use deny- prohibit the use of levers and buttons.
  • /region flag<название_региона>use allow- allow the use of levers and buttons.
  • /region flag<название_региона>greeting [message]- set a message displayed when entering a region (welcome). If [the message] is not written, it will be cleared.
  • /region flag<название_региона>farewell [message]- set the message displayed when leaving the region (farewell). If [the message] is not written, it will be cleared.
  • /region flag<название_региона>lava-flow deny- stop the lava from spilling.
  • /region flag<название_региона>lava-flow allow- allow the lava to spill.
  • /region flag<название_региона>water-flow deny- prevent water from spilling.
  • /region flag<название_региона>water-flow allow- allow the water to spill.
  • /region flag<название_региона>fire-spread deny- prevent the fire from spreading.
  • /region flag<название_региона>fire-spread allow- allow the fire to spread.
  • /region flag<название_региона>enderman-grief deny- prohibit endermen from stealing and placing blocks.
  • /region flag<название_региона>enderman-grief allow- allow endermen to steal and place blocks.
Brief commands to set multiple flags:
  • /flagoff<имя региона> - prohibit PvP, explosion of creepers and dynamite.
  • /flagon<имя региона> - allow PvP, explosion of creepers and dynamite.

Does not work

Chat management, “binds” (command-button combination).

black, darkgreen, darkblue, darkred, darkteal, purple, gold, gray, blue, green, teal, red,pink, yellow, white (white).
(Note #2:<тип>these are bind, var, const, input, output, display, track, ignore.)
  • ~help- display the help menu with all available commands
  • ~clear- clear chat history.
  • ~stop- stop showing the chat.
  • ~start- resume chat display.
  • ~histcolor<цвет> - change the color of the chat history window.
  • ~histOpacity<прозрачность> - set the chat history window's transparency value from 0 to 100 (the higher, the more opaque).
  • ~bgColor<цвет> - change the color of the chat window.
  • ~bgOpacity<прозрачность> - set the chat window transparency value from 0 to 100 (the higher, the more opaque).
  • ~bind<клавиша> <сообщение> [\] - binding a message to a key. If you add "\" after the message, the message can be edited before sending.
  • ~list<тип> - display a list of assigned<тип>, for example binds.
  • ~delete<тип> - delete assigned<тип>with this . To remove a bind you need to specify<тип>bind and any key with a bind. For example, ~delete bind g
Private chests, signs, doors, furnaces, hatches and dispensers.

(Note #1: To operate commands that work with an item (applying/removing/modifying private, etc.), after entering the command, you need to left-click on the item.)

  • /lwc- display the help menu with all available commands.
  • /lwc -c
    /lwc create- display help on private commands.
  • /lwc -m
    /lwc modify- display help on private change commands.
  • /lwc -u- display help on private access commands with a password.
  • /lwc -r- display help on private deletion commands.
  • /lwc limits- find out the current limit on the number of private items and the number of your active items with private.
  • /cprivate
    /lwc -c private- protect the item privately.
  • /cpassword<пароль>
    /lwc -c password<пароль> - protect the item privately with a password.
  • /cunlock<пароль>
    /lwc -u<пароль> - open an item with a password.
  • /cpublic
    /lwc -c public- protect the item by public privacy.
  • /lwc -m [player_nick]- add a group or individual players to the private of an item. You can enter several nicknames in a row separated by a space. To add an item administrator, add "@player_nick".
  • /lwc -m - -[player_nick]- remove a group or individual players from the private of an item. You can enter several nicknames in a row separated by a space. To remove the item administrator, add "player_nick".
  • /cinfo
    /lwc -i- display information about the privacy of the item.
  • /creamove
    /lwc -r protection- removing privacy from an item.
  • redstone (opening with levers and redstone), persist (auto-repeat the command once entered), autoclose (auto-close the door after 3 seconds).

Other commands:

/feed - replenishes food

/repair all - fixes things

/fly - flight

/kit - displays a list of available kits

/heal - replenishes life after a certain time

Almost every gamer who has played the multiplayer mode of Minecraft knows how to seize territory or a specific item. These commands are very popular as they allow you to protect your property from unwanted guests. Moreover, you can create exceptions by allowing certain players to use your items. However, in most cases, gamers set up private and allow players into it, without thinking about what awaits them next. But the situation may turn out to be such that you urgently need to get rid of both the private person and certain people on the white list. That is why you need to know in Minecraft, as well as how to remove the privacy itself from the territory or object.

Removing a friend from private

The first thing you should think about is how to remove a friend from private in Minecraft. Why would such a function be needed at all? Everything is very simple: after all, people are not constant - they tend to change. And the person you completely trusted yesterday may already begin to destroy your buildings and steal your things today. Therefore, you always need to know how to remove such a person from private. This is done through the console using a specific command - region removemember, after which you, naturally, will need to indicate the name of the region in question, as well as the nickname of the player who will be removed from the specified region. Immediately after this, this player will no longer be able to enter your territory, so you no longer have anything to worry about. Now you know, in Minecraft, if we are talking about the character who has minimal rights to visit the territory.

Removing an owner

The previous method will only work if the gamer you want to delete has fewer rights than you. However, some regions may have several owners at once, to which the action of the command described above does not apply. How to remove a friend from private in Minecraft in this case? Here you will have to use a slightly different command - region removeowner. The spelling remains the same as in the previous case - after the command you need to write the name of the region, and then the nickname of the player himself. However, you should understand that other gamers who have the same rights as you can also remove you from your same region. So you should be careful about who you grant owner rights to.

Removing privacy from a region

Now you know how to remove privacy on a friend in Minecraft so that he cannot enter your territory and use your things. You should also familiarize yourself with a completely different action - deleting the private message itself. First of all, we will consider a team that will allow you to remove privacy from an entire region. In fact, there are two of them, but they have the same effect - they remove private functions from a specific region. Region rempve and region delete work the same way - you only need to specify the name of the region you want to make public again. Please note that you can only withdraw private from those regions where you are listed as the owner.

Removing privacy from items

A method was described above that told you how to remove a private in Minecraft from a region. But you can also remove privacy features from specific items, such as a chest or a door. To do this, you will have to use a completely different command - cremove. Again, only use this if you are completely confident that you can give full access to the item. Otherwise, you will lose everything that you have collected and stored for so long.

A region in Minecraft is a player’s personal territory, to which only he and users who have received permission from him have access. By default, private is protected from mobs, fire, creepers, and any destruction in general, but the creator can add all the joys of life in Minecraft to himself by adjusting the region parameters.

However, sometimes owning a personal territory gets boring, and users start looking for how to delete a region in Minecraft.

Deleting a private

You can destroy unnecessary private messages with just one command. The main condition is that you must be the owner of the private message being deleted, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of it.

Press "T" to open the chat and type "/region remove"<имя_региона>».

If this command doesn't help, try typing "region delete"<имя привата>" or "/rg del<название>».

Removing a friend

Sometimes it’s not the private chat itself that gets boring, but the friends invited to it who prevent you from creating your ideal world out of blocks. Such a manifestation of disrespect for the creator of the private message should be punished severely - by removal from the region. This can be done using the command “/region removemember<название> <ник игрока>».

After removing all unwanted elements from your personal territory, you can continue to improve it. Install the skin on Minecraft to make building even more fun, and create a unique location in the game.

Possible problems

If you have figured out how to install a map on Minecraft, then the information on how to remove private in Minecraft will seem easy and accessible to you. But, despite the simplicity of the described actions, players sometimes encounter various difficulties when trying to remove a person from a private account or erase their region from the server.

The most common problem is entering the private name incorrectly into the delete command. You can find out it or check the spelling using the “/rg list” command.

Check if you are logged in under the correct nickname. In this case, the register is critical, that is, SeRp65 and serp 65 are two different nicknames.

If you do not remove all owners from the private, it also cannot be destroyed. Therefore, use the information on how to remove a friend from a region in Minecraft before getting rid of the created private.

To see a list of player owners, enter the command “/region info<название региона>».

Then remove all owners one by one using the command “/region removeowner”<название привата> <ник игрока>».

If the above methods do not help solve the problem, you will have to reinstall the launcher.

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Minecraft is one of the most popular online games, played by millions of people all over the planet. The game is really exciting, and has many features and subtleties (players do not always know all these features).

All players on the server are divided into separate groups (differing from each other in access rights). In principle, these rights do not differ too much from each other (players can do almost everything except use a lighter and other certain items).

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Removing a player from a region

In order to remove a player from a region in Minecraft, you must use the command: /region removemember region_name *nickname*. With this command, everything should be clear: the region has the name region_name, and the player to be removed has the name *nick*.

But if you need to remove the owner of a region, then use the command /region removeowner region_name *nickname*.

Adding a player to the region

First of all, it is necessary to take serious security measures in your region. First, the region needs to be made private. This is done using special commands (which you probably already know).

In order for a specific player to gain full access to other players in the region, you must write the following command: /region addowner region_name *nickname*. With the help of this command, a player named *nick* gets the opportunity to add or remove members of this region, set his own flags, and the like. But it can do all this only in the region named region_name.

The theme of private or region in Minecraft is common. It is always convenient to have your own base, territory into which only “your own” can be allowed. In these regions, the owner who creates them can add new owners, participants, and even delete the private altogether. Participants can build and destroy on this territory, but will be protected from outside influences.

How to remove a player from private in Minecraft

Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that one of the participants leaves the coalition, or simply turns out to be not the most welcome guest in the territory. It happens that the owner of a private chat and the participant do not get along. There are troublemakers who, having gained access to private, immediately begin to simply misbehave. And private is created, among other things, with the goal of protecting yourself from such players. If it's time to remove a player from private, here's how to do it:

  1. We press the T key, thus displaying the chat line, which is also the command line.
  2. Enter the following command in it: /rg removemember Region Nickname
  3. We press Enter, and our “friend” is deleted.

If the player being removed is the owner, then instead of "r emovemember» enter « removeowner". In place of the words “Region” and “Nickname” the name of the private party and the name of the player to be deleted must be indicated, respectively. If the command does not work, make sure that all elements are spelled correctly. Read about how to restore the name of a region if it is forgotten in the corresponding section of this article.

There is an option to remove a player from private without the right to restore. If you want to prevent you or another owner from being able to reinstate a player, the following command will help: /region removeowner region@Nickname.

To mass delete users, you can specify their nicknames in a row, separated by a space. Then the removal command will look like this: /rg removemember Region Nickname1 Nickname2 Nickname3 and so on…

How to delete a private in Minecraft

Maybe you wanted to move to a new place, or maybe your group is no longer the same. Maybe this private account is no longer in use, you never know what can happen. In order to remove an unnecessary private in Minecraft, you will also need to enter the appropriate command, first removing all owners from the private.

  1. Enter command line mode (T).
  2. Enter the command in it: /region remove Region
  3. Press Enter and delete the private.

The name of the private region to be deleted should be indicated in the “Region” space. Sometimes this command doesn't work. In this case, you should use the /region delete command. If this command does not work, check the correct spelling of the region name.

How to remember the name of a private party in Minecraft

If you can’t remember the exact name of the region, then there are two ways to find it out:

  1. Using the /rg list or /rg info command. The second can also be useful if you need to delete a player, since it also displays a list of all participants and owners of the private.
  2. Using a rope and the right mouse button. To do this, you need to go to the private message and right-click on it.

Additional Information

  • /rg And / region are interchangeable elements. The first option will work on one server, and the second on another. For the same reason " remove"="delete"="del"«.
  • All names are case sensitive, so make sure that the name of the region and the player’s nickname (login) are written with all the “shifts” where they are needed. The presence of a single error in the spelling of a particular word in a line will lead to failure of the command.
  • It is possible to remove a friend from private using the / command Cmodify.
  • To remove the grid that limits privacy in Minecraft, the command will be useful //sel. Some people manage to run around in this red box for a long time before removing it.

List of general commands for private administration in Minecraft

  • /region claim Region - creates a private in a given region.
    /region addmember Region Nickname - adding a player to private.
    /region addowner Region Nickname – adding the owner to your private. He will have equal rights with you.
    /region select Region - selects the selected region.
    /region removemember Region Nickname - removing ordinary members from this private.
    /region removeowner Region Nickname - remove the owner from this private.
    /region info Region - view information about the private zone.
    /region remove Region - remove private.

Commands to protect your property.

  • /cprivate Nickname of the person we allow access - protection for the door/chest/dispenser/hatch/furnace/elevator.
    /cpassword password - password protection for the door/chest/dispenser/hatch/furnace.
    /cunlock - unlock a door/chest/furnace/dispenser/hatch.
    /cpublic - make the dispenser/chest/hatch/furnace public.
    /cremove - remove protection from a door/chest/furnace/dispenser/hatch.
    /cmodify Nickname of the person we allow - to allow use of the door/chest/dispenser/furnace/hatch.

That’s probably all that concerns the administration of regions or private zones in Minecraft.

Almost every gamer who has played the multiplayer mode of Minecraft knows how to seize territory or a specific item. These commands are very popular as they allow you to protect your property from unwanted guests. Moreover, you can create exceptions by allowing certain players to use your items. However, in most cases, gamers set up private and allow players into it, without thinking about what awaits them next. But the situation may turn out to be such that you urgently need to get rid of both the private person and certain people on the white list. That is why you need to know in Minecraft, as well as how to remove the privacy itself from the territory or object.

Removing a friend from private

The first thing you should think about is how to remove a friend from private in Minecraft. Why would such a function be needed at all? Everything is very simple: after all, people are not constant - they tend to change. And the person you completely trusted yesterday may already begin to destroy your buildings and steal your things today. Therefore, you always need to know how to remove such a person from private. This is done through the console using a specific command - region removemember, after which you, naturally, will need to indicate the name of the region in question, as well as the nickname of the player who will be removed from the specified region. Immediately after this, this player will no longer be able to enter your territory, so you no longer have anything to worry about. Now you know, in Minecraft, if we are talking about the character who has minimal rights to visit the territory.

Removing an owner

The previous method will only work if the gamer you want to delete has fewer rights than you. However, some regions may have several owners at once, to which the action of the command described above does not apply. How to remove a friend from private in Minecraft in this case? Here you will have to use a slightly different command - region removeowner. The spelling remains the same as in the previous case - after the command you need to write the name of the region, and then the nickname of the player himself. However, you should understand that other gamers who have the same rights as you can also remove you from your same region. So you should be careful about who you grant owner rights to.

Removing privacy from a region

Now you know how to remove privacy on a friend in Minecraft so that he cannot enter your territory and use your things. You should also familiarize yourself with a completely different action - deleting the private message itself. First of all, we will consider a team that will allow you to remove privacy from an entire region. In fact, there are two of them, but they have the same effect - they remove private functions from a specific region. Region rempve and region delete work the same way - you only need to specify the name of the region you want to make public again. Please note that you can only withdraw private from those regions where you are listed as the owner.

Removing privacy from items

A method was described above that told you how to remove a private in Minecraft from a region. But you can also remove privacy features from specific items, such as a chest or a door. To do this, you will have to use a completely different command - cremove. Again, only use this if you are completely confident that you can give full access to the item. Otherwise, you will lose everything that you have collected and stored for so long.

In the computer game Minecraft, each user can build his own house and fence it with a small territory. To make it easier for you and your friend to visit each other and help out your comrades, the game provides for the disclosure of a private territory for a small circle of people. So, you can open each other’s doors, chests, break objects in the garden and house, place new blocks and much more. As you can see, you only need to open your private account to trusted people whom you trust. If they have violated your trust, then you should immediately remove them from private.

What do you need to remove a friend from private?

To remove your friend from the list of those allowed in your territory, you will need the following data:

  • The name of your region, which you yourself created earlier. When you first set up private, you had to enter this name into the command;
  • The name of your friend, who has already entered into private and should be excluded from it;
  • Of course, you need to first log into the server.

Algorithm for excluding players from private in Minecraft

To begin, you need to collect all the information indicated above. If you can't remember your friend's nickname, just press the Tab key. A list of all users who are currently online and on the server will pop up in the middle of the screen.

Now press the “T” key. Enter the following command into the line:

  • /rg removemember player name area name.

Do not put any signs and enter words separated by spaces. Do not forget that the names must be transferred accurately, and you must be the owner of your private.

After a few moments in the chat below you will see the result of the command. If any error occurs, you will immediately know about it, try to correct it. If the operation is successful, you will see the message “Member has been excluded from the palace region.”

How to find out the name of a private region?

It may also happen that you simply forget the name of your region. Then you just need to ask another player to break any block on your territory. He will not be able to break this block, but he will immediately see the name of the region in the lower left corner.

Private in Minecraft is a personal gaming area that belongs to one of the players, and only the owner and specially invited players have access to it. Such a territory is protected from any breakdowns, fires and attacks by monsters (for example, creepers) that can destroy the player’s property, but if desired, this can be adjusted by the creator of the region.

How to delete a private/region?

There are times when a player no longer wants to engage in this private activity and therefore needs to remove it. In this case, the command to remove a region in minecraft is used, which looks like this: “/region remove , after which the specified region will be deleted. Sometimes, this method does not work for some reason, then it is worth using the alternative option “region delete" or the shortened version "/rg del".

IMPORTANT. Before deleting a region in Minecraft, it must have only one owner, and the name of the region must be written in the same way as when created, with capital letters and symbols, if any.

How to remove a friend from a region?

Sometimes, it is not necessary to delete the entire private, but only one of the friends invited to it. The reasons can be very different, because in order to do this, no specific conditions are required. To do this, you will also need to enter the text command “/region removemember”, which will immediately remove the player or the second owner of the region that is disliked by the owner.

Problems when deleting a private territory in Minecraft

Removing private messages does not seem to be such a difficult task, but sometimes their owners face some difficulties. It often happens that a player forgets the name of his territory and all attempts to remove it are in vain. In this case, use the “/rg list” command, which will give the owner of the private its exact full name. You also MUST enter your nickname correctly when logging in, using capital letters and symbols, if any. For example, if the owner’s nickname is CaT, and he logged in under the nickname cat, the register will not recognize him as the owner and will not allow him to delete the private.

Also, before deleting a private, you should make sure that no one other than the owner is no longer on the list of private participants. To check everyone who is in it, you need to use the text command “/region info”. This action will display a list of everyone who is listed in private, and then using the command “/region removeowner”, the owner can one by one clear the region on the server from friends, and then delete it.

IMPORTANT. Before deleting a region, you need to think carefully, because when it is deleted, everything that was built during the game in private will be deleted. Perhaps it will come in handy someday or you will want to play again with friends where houses, establishments, parks, etc. have already been built. It is important to remember this, since the territory is not subject to further restoration.

World Minecraft is very popular and attracts thousands of players around the globe. Therefore, there are many questions associated with the gameplay. Some of the most popular questions are related to private, its deletion and the removal of friends from the game. Detailed answers to them will be given in this article.

How to delete a private in Minecraft

Every game user who respects himself and other players must to loosen one's territories, which he is going to throw. After all, there are other Gemeirs who may wish to occupy this territory, and since the owner does not need it, then why prevent this?

In order to remove privacy from an area, you must execute the following types of commands:

  • First you need to open the chat by pressing T.
  • Then you need to enter the directive: /rg remove(the name of your site, which is entered without brackets or quotes).
  • A similar command that performs the same action looks like this: /region remove(the name of your territory, which is written without brackets).
  • There is another command that can help achieve the same goal: /region delete(the name of your private, which should be without parentheses).

In case it is impossible to deprivate the region, there may be several reasons for this: the name of the territory was entered incorrectly, all friends from this area were not deleted, the command was entered incorrectly. The name of the territory can be viewed by entering the following command into the chat: /rg list.

How to remove a friend from private

There are two commands that help solve the problem, how to remove from private a certain character.

  • To begin with, in order not to get into trouble, you need to find out the number and nicknames of all friends who have ever been added to the territory. For this you can use the directive /region info(the name of your site, which is entered without parentheses). The command must be entered into the chat (the chat opens with the key T).
  • Next, we write the following directive: /region removemember. Using this command, a friend can be removed from the controlled area with the possibility of subsequent restoration.
  • If you want to remove a friend from your land without the possibility of restoration in the future, then you need to use another directive: /region removeowner @ .

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